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Client duties under the CDM Regulations and Building Regulations


Regulatory updates to the Building Regulations which came into force in October 2023 brought in new client duties for commercial clients. A commercial client is any client commissioning work on a building which is not their own home. The new duties are designed to dovetail with the existing duties under the CDM Regulations (2015). Your […]

Welcome to Hanslip & Company


HMDW Architects Ltd is changing to Hanslip and Company Ltd. We are planning for the future of the Practice. As part of our plans for the future we have changed our name. The Covid-19 pandemic has created a dramatic change in how we all work and conduct our lives. Having upgraded our IT and telephony […]

Navigating a construction project


A construction project may appear daunting if you are unfamiliar with the process. This short guide aims to provide you with some valuable information.