Hanslip & Company Ltd specialise in the care and alteration of historic buildings with experience spanning over 25 years in this specialist area. We understand the interplay between heritage protections and the need to find sustainable solutions for the building’s future. We help owners look after their historic buildings, and help them realise their ambitions for extensions and redevelopment.
Condition Surveys
The most fundamental step the owners can take to put the maintenance of their buildings on a sustainable footing is to carry-out regular maintenance to avoid small problems developing into larger, costly repairs.
Condition surveys can identify defects which may develop into more serious problems, allowing owners to plan their maintenance and repair budgets.
Reports & Investigations
Investigations and opening-up can sometimes be required to better understand defects and historical construction detailing.
Hanslip & Co. regularly carries out investigations, and assessments to support building works, support applications for heritage consents, and to improve accessibility.
Grant-aided work
Many of the projects we work on are grant-aided. Volunteer-run bodies, the application process and resulting reporting requirements and activity programme can often be daunting when resources are scarce.
Hanslip & Co. can help identify grant funding sources, and assist with grant administration and activities. We also work with professional fundraisers and grant consultants.
Repairs & Conservation
We have broad experience repairing traditional and modern constructions, including: brickwork, concrete, flintwork, glazing and stained-glass, leadwork, roofs, stonework, and timber frames.
Alterations & Redevelopment
When churches have the ambition to transform their buildings, we have the experience to help realise complex redevelopments in historic settings.
We work with specialist consultants to overcome the unique challenges working on historic buildings present. We have good working relationships with Quantity Surveyors (who manage cost), Structural Engineers, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Archaeologists, Conservators and other specialist consultants.
Heritage Consultancy
In addition to standard architectural services, we offer a heritage consultancy. Heritage reports are often required to support applications to alter or repair Listed buildings, whist Conservation Management Plans can help the owners of historic buildings plan for its care and manage change.
No matter the type or scale, every project follows a process from investigation/feasibility through to design and consents then to work on site and beyond. For all but the smallest of projects, we work to the RIBA Plan of Work 2020.